
Monday, August 08, 2016

Keyword: Culture – Now Available Open Access

Yes, indeed, the crickets have taken over here at The Late Age of Print. I’m pretty active these days over on Twitter and Facebook, but longer-form, blogging—well, who can find enough time?

Anyway, here I am, happy to share some of the work that’s distracted me from blogging. Princeton University Press recently released Digital Keywords, edited by Ben Peters. The collection pays homage to Raymond Williams’ landmark volume Keywords: A Vocabulary of Culture and Society (1976/1983), but asks: which terms would be most useful for understanding digital or computational cultures of the 21st century? I wrote the chapter on culture, which, following in the footsteps of Williams, one of my intellectual heroes, was one of the most challenging and rewarding pieces of scholarly writing I’ve ever taken on.

The good news is that a PDF of the chapter is now freely available over on Culture Digitally. Download and enjoy! You’ll find a bunch of other chapters from Digital Keywords there, too, all of which Princeton U. P. was kind enough to release Open Access. If you like what you see and decide you want to purchase the book (please do!), the Press is offering a discount of 25%. The coupon code, P06197, is good until December 31, 2016.

And since I seem to be in the business of just giving away research, check out my other two recent publications, both of which are freely available Open Access:

Both are companion pieces, of sorts, to the “Culture” chapter appearing in Digital Keywords. Enjoy.
